Eve’s Garden
Eve’s Garden Studio is a creative space near Andover in Hampshire. They run art (therapy) classes for people who have suffered from strokes or have Aspergers or Fibromyalgia and produce a whole range of creative objets for their retail area
Honeycombers founder, Anthony Habert, first came across Christine and Debbie at their studio by chance. Also by chance, they were mid dancing to Justine Timberlake and completely unaware of his presence! Immediately he knew they had to work together….
Listed here are a range of cards created exclusively for Honeycombers by Christine and Debbie. All are handmade by the artists and no two are exactly the same
Spontaneity, largesse of soul and abundant positivity are the attributes which mark-out Eve’s Garden’s artistic creations and to life in general! Some might say that you can’t stop the feeling….
5 products