THE FINEST HONEY, Salford, Runny Honey
Regular price £7.25Lancashire | Urban | Multivariety Wildflower
Leigh and Rob’s hives are sprinkled in and around Lancashire and the Greater Manchester area. All of their hives have been populated by rescued bee swarms. This honey is from rooftop hives and urban green spaces in Salford, Manchester, the symbol of which is the famous worker bee
Olly’s tasting note: “A very authentic aroma. Gorgeous texture, very silky, amazing sweetness, highly resonant, lots and lots of candied citrus packed into a really full-flavoured yet elegant honey. Superb. This would be lovely drizzled on to a dab of cheddar or Comte cheese and equally fab drizzled over a crumpet. Well done Salford.”
N.B. All raw honeys will crystallise over time. If you find that this honey has started to develop crystals and that you would prefer to enjoy it in a runny state, gently warm your honey jar in some hand-hot water